Monday, June 30, 2008


The best thing you can do to have great friends is to be a great friend to them.
Be supportive.
Help them.
Forgive things that might seem irritating, especially small things that really don’t count.
Most importantly, remember that love is not a feeling; it’s a verb.


"We should never ever give up on our dreams and goals or put them aside. We must fight for them because that is what living is about, fighting for the things we want in life."

Sunday, June 29, 2008

So do you?

Saturday, June 28, 2008


"Regret is a waste of time! When we regret, we are crippling our present with our past and the conclusion is sorrow, tears and pain. Instead, utilize that time for enjoying yourself. Make it a habit to divert your mind to other things when you are supposed to regret about your past."

Friday, June 27, 2008

Kiwi's too small?

EU forces market trader to pulp thousands of kiwi fruit because they're ONE MILLIMETRE too small.

A market trader has been banned from selling a batch of kiwi fruits because they are 1mm smaller than EU rules allow.

Inspectors told 53-year- old Tim Down he is forbidden even to give away the fruits, which are perfectly healthy.

Selling them - or giving them away - carries a fine of up to £5,000.

The father of three will now have to bin the 5,000 kiwis, costing him £1,000 in lost sales.

Speaking yesterday from the stall in Bristol he has owned for 20 years, Mr Down said: 'It's total nonsense. I work hard enough to make a living without all these bureaucrats telling us what we can and can't sell.

'They're saying I'm a criminal for selling this fruit, but the real crime is that all this fruit will go to waste - all because it's 1mm too small.

'It's a terrible waste, particularly when we're all feeling the pinch from rising food prices and I've got to throw away this perfectly good fruit.'



The other day I wrote about how anger enslaves us. We cede control of our being to someone or something else. Today I would like to share another perspective on anger. Think about what makes you angry, perhaps looking back on the last week. What made you angry this last week?

Someone cutting in at the checkout line-up.

Somebody not delivering something on time and seeming unconcerned about it.

Somebody saying something that was hardly tactful?

I am sure you have your own flash points, but I am guessing that for most people they are typically similar to these examples. But are these really worth being angry about?
  • People are destroying rainforests.
  • People are committing genocide.
  • People are scamming others out of their life savings.
  • People are beating others up.
How does an insult or a bit of rudeness compare?
Is a little bit of rudeness or lack of tact really worth getting angry over?


"Opportunities are like morning dew.
To catch one, you have to wake up early
while the world is busy sleeping."

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Are you remembering to share? Yes, I’m talking to you.

We so often just go about our business, doing whatever we are doing,
oblivious to others and forgetting how wonderful a feeling it is to
look around and to share with them.

So if you like sharing, go ahead and do it now.


“Have the determination of a mirror.
It never loses its ability to reflect,
even if it is broken into
thousands of pieces.”

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I was reading a post on Muriel's diaries about Happiness and it made me think how I saw happiness.
Okay spend a couple of minutes thinking about what happiness means to you and then tell us,
How do you define happiness?


A keen young philosopher once noted,

“Life moves pretty fast.
If you don’t stop and look
around once in a while,
you could miss it.”

Who was the insightful person, Plato, Aristotle, Kant?

No, it was Ferris Bueller. It was his closing line in the hit 1980’s movie, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.

In this busy life of ours, we need to stop and smell the roses sometime, or life will pass us by.

Our culture moves at a breakneck pace and we value speed and multitasking. We have instant coffee, fast food and we “shop ‘till we drop.” Even on the Internet the idea of “dial-up” is archaic and we view “high-speed” internet as a right.

But the reminder from Ferris Bueller should not be lost. Life is short and if we are not careful we can become so busy that we never stop to take the time and enjoy it. Somehow, someway I’ve got to figure out a way to slow life down. If I could figure this out and then bottle it, I could make millions.

I use it as much as possible, to remind others, and myself to take life rustig!

Have a nICE day!


“Any person capable of angering you becomes your master;
he can anger you only when you permit yourself to be disturbed by him.”

The Greek philosopher Epictetus understood anger quite well, and it is only amazing that after all this time, so many of us still do not. We people who love freedom so much and who claim to be our own persons, so easily give ourselves up to slavery by allowing the words and actions of others to anger us.

We do not control the words and actions of others, but we absolutely control our reactions to them. When we choose anger, we choose slavery of the worst kind. Negative. Uncontrolled. Destructive.

Free yourself from slavery. Free yourself from anger. Make your choice and stand by it!


“To believe in the things you can see
and touch is no belief at all.

But to believe in the unseen is both a
triumph and a blessing.”