Friday, June 27, 2008


The other day I wrote about how anger enslaves us. We cede control of our being to someone or something else. Today I would like to share another perspective on anger. Think about what makes you angry, perhaps looking back on the last week. What made you angry this last week?

Someone cutting in at the checkout line-up.

Somebody not delivering something on time and seeming unconcerned about it.

Somebody saying something that was hardly tactful?

I am sure you have your own flash points, but I am guessing that for most people they are typically similar to these examples. But are these really worth being angry about?
  • People are destroying rainforests.
  • People are committing genocide.
  • People are scamming others out of their life savings.
  • People are beating others up.
How does an insult or a bit of rudeness compare?
Is a little bit of rudeness or lack of tact really worth getting angry over?

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