Thursday, January 1, 2009


Have you started your New Years resolutions yet? Yes! And this time I'll keep them! Okay, stay strong and keep on track as the days go by. Never stop using your will-power!

No? Well, it’s never too early and never too late. New Year’s Day is a totally arbitrary day. Feel free to use it if that helps motivate you – a fresh start to a new year. Or the start of summer vacation. Or the return to work or school after summer/winter vacation. Or the day you read an article that really makes you think.

You see, while resolutions for the New Year give us a wonderful sense of positive intent, they are extremely hard to stick with unless we turn them into clear, well-defined goals. Whenever you are moved to action, make the resolution. Make the plan. Take action! Make the changes you need to create the life you want.


bcgdg said...

Wishing you and your family a very blessed 2009,

As for resolutions, I can never make one and stick to it,
So I instead write down a set goals for the new year and see how many of them I can accomplish during the course of the year.


Muriel said...

Hello Ice hou julle nog vakansie?

Mag jy en jou gesin 'n wonderlike 2009 hê!

wendz said...

Hi ICE - wishing you all the best for 2009.

Resolutions - never make them so I am never disappointed with myself about not keeping them!

Anonymous said...

Voorspoed, vrede en liefde vir 2009 vir julle!

Anonymous said...

hi mooi jaar vir jou. ek maak nogal nie nuwejaarsvoorneme nie, maar vanjaar het ek so losweg een.

ICE said...

Hi Foxy!
Same for you! The goals is a great idea!

ICE said...

Hi Wips!

Ek het so 'n klein breek gevat. Dieselfde vir jou en jou gesin!

ICE said...


Hope you are well? Best for the new year for you as well!

ICE said...


Mag 2009 'n 100 maal beter jaar vir jou wees!

ICE said...


Ek weet somer jy sal by jou voorneme hou, al is dit net 'n losweg een! Puik jaar vir jou ook!