Tuesday, May 5, 2009


“Friends are those who sing the song in your heart,
especially when you've forgotten the lyrics”

I have no idea who quoted this, but I laaik the description.

In life, we all forget the lyrics sometimes. And it sure helps to have someone close enough, someone who cares enough to help us remember the tune.

Don’t worry; the lyric will come back to you...


Emil said...

Thanks. Baie waar! Snaaks, pas nogals so effe by hierdie inskrywing van my so 'n tydjie gelede: http://emiljung.co.za/?p=5771

Of eerder, ek dink so.

Zee said...

Ice, hierdie is darem so ware beskrywing van my..... (Die mal deel nou :) )
Watter waar quote is dit nie!

Diego said...

I just love your blog <3

Shadane said...

:) love to you and the family