Friday, February 6, 2009


It’s cold, wet and white up here in the Ukay.

Did you know that the Inuit have dozens of words for snow? That’s because there are so many types of snow…

Wet, sticky snow that sticks. Fluffy snow that floats light as…as…as…well, as snow. Snow like tiny Styrofoam balls. Snow that was fluffy, but with a touch of melting is getting a little sticky. Light snow that gets packed under more and more light snow. Snow that turns crisp from a hint of freezing rain. You get the idea.

It’s easy to generalize about snow; you won’t hurt its feelings. But people are infinitely more varied, and people do have feelings. Accept me as I am, without generalizing about why “kind” of person I might be. I’ll do the same for you.


Anonymous said...

Shame, julle ouens vrek omtrent van die koue daar!!!

eilandkind/islandchild said...

mmm, wens ek was daar.

ICE said...

Hi julle!

Nee die koue is nie so erg soos die bruin grys slush en glipperige ys wat van die sneeu oorgebly het nie.

ICE said...

Ons kan ruil vir 'n week, EilandKind.

Ek wil net bietjie regte son op my lyf voel....

Anonymous said...

Nou my jinne, ek kon sweer ek het hierso gesê jy moet in die sneeu gaan lê en 'n Snowangel maak!

Ai, ek LUV sneeu!

nikita said...

Ek smile vir jou funny sneeuman, myne was net so snaaks!