Thursday, August 7, 2008

Happy B’Day, Bokkie!!

I thought I'd share 40 reasons Y I love my Déjà-Vu, seeing that she is 40 today :
  1. She was created by God just for me
  2. She is an xcellent Mom.
  3. She's my bestest friend.
  4. She loves me.
  5. She has learned to love things "I laaik" just to spend more time with me.
  6. She gave me 3 beautiful Prinsessies.
  7. She is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside.
  8. She knows what I want to say even before I finish my sentences.
  9. She cries during sad movies, and pretend not to see my tears when I cry at the same time.
  10. She works a well-paying, soul-sucking job so that I can work from home.
  11. She works incredibly hard, and I am proud of what she’s accomplished.
  12. She laughs at my stupid jokes.
  13. She can laugh at herself and she has a great sense of humour.
  14. She's so warm and soft.
  15. She loves to get a hug from me.
  16. She smells really good.
  17. She's fun to tickle.
  18. She looks peaceful, content and beautiful while she sleeps.
  19. She loves games, she's very competitive, and I love her for that!
  20. She is willing to put up with me, the 3 Prinsessies, and 2 cats.
  21. She likes to look good for me.
  22. She forgives me when I act like a jerk.
  23. She makes me feel manly.
  24. She sings beautifully to music.
  25. She’ll never cheat at games, no matter how hard I try and talk her into it.
  26. She likes to be romantic.
  27. She's a great cook and she laaiks my cooking.
  28. She loves to draw, and she's good at it.
  29. She showed me how much I could be loved.
  30. She stands her ground.
  31. She’s good at meeting people.
  32. She’s smart & witty.
  33. She spoons really well.
  34. She’s absolutely faithful.
  35. She’s not materialistic.
  36. She looks great even without make-up.
  37. Because I can’t imagine life without her.
  38. She likes to just go for a drive with no destination in mind.
  39. She cleans the house when I won’t.
  40. We are a team and great together.

Thanx that I don’t need to pretend with you!


Déjà-Vu said...

Baie dankie!

Ek is selfs meer lief vir jou as wat ek 16 jaar terug was!

Jy is my hele wese!

Muriel said...

My aarde ek sien nou net hierdie pragtige inskrywing. Dit is so special! Ek pink sommer 'n traan weg!

Ek is laat maar hoop sy het lekker verjaar en dat sy 'n jaar vol geluk gaan hê!!

Baie geluk dèja-vu, jammer ek is laat!

Déjà-Vu said...

Dankie Muriel.