Thursday, December 11, 2008


The best way to sleep well at night is to go to bed with a peaceful heart.

Look over your day, and remind yourself of all the things you did well, all the moments you enjoyed.

Review the things you failed to do well and plan ways to do them better tomorrow. There is nothing to bring peace to one’s heart before bed like knowing that tomorrow you will have an even better day.


Anonymous said...

Tomorrow will not always be better...and sleep seems to avoid me! Well said though. :)

Hanlie said...

That is so true! I'm fortunately a good sleeper, but I love those last few minutes before I fall asleep when I can fill myself with peace and gratitude.

ICE said...

I love to sleep, only problem is that I sometimes struggle to switch off. So when I reflect on the day, it takes me hours to finally switch off...

bcgdg said...

I have always had a problem sleeping through the night, got the dark circles to prove it. Recently I have a my conversations with GOD before going to bed, and I usually if I am honest with myself and GOD and confess my sins and share my fears with GOD, then I acutally have a great nights sleep.