Friday, September 19, 2008

Learning from mistakes...

Never stop learning, because as soon as you do that, you stop growing. And you know what happens then..., you remain the same, surviving and living purposeless.

Now you might ask, "What is the key to learning?" There are more than one, of course.

Curiosity is one. Curiosity drives us to look at things differently, to stick our nose where we have never stuck it before, so to speak. To try things we don’t really know how to do, and, without a doubt, to make mistakes. There is no better teacher than mistakes. Without making mistakes, there is very little learning.

Remember I said in the Inheritance post that, "
... why make someone else's mistakes when there are so many mistakes one can make and call one's own?"

So go out and make some mistakes. It’s the best way to make sure you are doing more than just surviving.

But do remember to learn from your mistakes as well as the ones other people make!

1 comment:

Muriel said...

Hello Ysie

Ek stem mens leer deur jou foute. Beste leerskool! Partykeer kry jy seer maar dit bly nogsteeds die beste manier......