Monday, November 3, 2008

In contact with nature...

Our vacation has been over for a little while now, and even this short ½-Term break we had, just came to an end today, but it was wonderful.

Even though I live in the country-side I still find it refreshing and renewing to commune with nature, walking through a forest, biking around the countless bike-paths in our county, pushing my way into the mist of a waterfall, scaling a hill to see the view from the top, breaking through the waves over a submerged sandbar (although I don't do that often enough because this is the Ukay...), watching the seagulls and kestrels flying around me…these are experiences one just cannot do every day. And they bring us so much closer to our real roots.

As convenient as our daily shelters are, there is a little extra happiness every time we can commune with nature, each in our own way.


Anonymous said...

Ek kan nie daaroor uitgepraat raak nie! Dis so waar wat jy se. Om in die natuur te kom, doen iets vir 'n mens se siel.

Ordinarylife said...

So true - I love getting away! Hiking and stuff.

I am going in two weeks to hike near Plett and can't wait! No electricty, no cell phones, no nothing - FANTASTIC!

Thea said...

O ek stem 100% saam! Dis wonderlik om in die natuur te kom!

Shadane said...

hugs - nature is a natural remedy for the soul. hope you and your family are well :) many loves

Anonymous said...

Ice, ek stem, daar is niks soos die ongerepte natuur nie. Om dan nog onder in die see rond te swem is die ultimate!

ICE said...

Yip, we just need to realize that nature is there for us to enjoy, and not just not see it!

Ek vind dat die mense in die Ukay altyd kla oor die natuur, al is hier ook mooi dele, nou wel nie Afrika mooi nie, maar amper...

Muriel said...

Die natuur is 'n fantastiese plek om jouself weer te vind. Die stilte en vrede laat jou van die stres ontslae raak!