Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Motivational messages…

What do you think of those posters and coffee mugs with motivational messages on them? Good tools? Too commercial?

What about little bottles, filled with nothing but air and a small paper with a simple sentiment, such as “You da Man!” or “hang in there”? They are less slick, more down-to-earth and less inspiring perhaps.

I have a better suggestion. The best motivational message is the one you write to yourself. I am not saying you can’t buy motivation - every sports team, every major company knows you can. But outsourcing your motivational messages is not as effective as writing yourself a personal note and placing it where it is most relevant. Depending on the note, that might be in your car, beside your bathroom mirror or even in on your PC.

No need to spend £10-00 + on a slick motivational message laser targeted to just you... and 100,000 people who are obviously exact replicas of you.

Write your own messages and place them where they count.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very true! I always had a message for myself on my notice board during exam time.

A clothing chain in Sweden has "you look great!" on all the changing room mirrors - it actually works, atleast for me... ;)