Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Try it...

Okay, don't stick out your tongue and say "Sies, Yuckk!!" when I tell you this, but I tried something new a few days ago. It is important to try new things, as it keeps our mind and our senses open, alert and most importantly adaptable. But some things are more, how can I say? Uhm "different".

It was my middle Prinsessie, WeirdGirl's idea, so I tried it. Now, just to put things in perspective, one of WeirdGirl's (She picked the name, by the way...) favourite snacks is Chocolate spread or peanut-butter-dipped jalapeños. But thankfully, that was not what she wanted me to try. She offered me a Vanilla ice cream filled Peppadew.

Yeah, I know - the things we do for love.

But, hey would you believe, it tasted good, in fact, it tasted so good, that I tried another. And another.

Don't knock it if you haven't tried it...

And that's the same with most things in life. We are quick to say we don't like something or some-one, without first trying it out or getting to know some-one...

You just never know what you might like if you don't just try it.

Go ahead try it!


Muriel said...

Ek moet dit tog probeer!! Ek hou daarvan om nuwe goed uit te toets!!

Dis ware woorde die Ice, leer eers die persoon ken voor jy oordeel!! Kyk altyd dieper! Jy mag verras wees. Ek het dit al baie oorgekom!!

Ek het nou lekker aan al die ander inskrywings ook gelees, ek was bietjie agter!!!

ICE said...

Peppadews is 'n wenner!

Vul dit met smeerkaas/maaskaas of Philadelphia, draai bacon om en steek dit met toothpicks vas en braai dit as 'n voorsmakie!

ICE said...

Ja wat sê die spreekwoord?

Never judge a book by it's cover!

Anonymous said...

Chocolate, chilli go well together. Same goes for steak and chocolate sauce. People only see chocolate as a sweet or dessert.

ICE said...

Will have to try Chilli Chocs...