Thursday, October 2, 2008


I need to apologize for something.

I am certainly no role model for humility. I admit that I think far too much of myself far too often. My opinions are always right…or I can correct them so that they will always be right. Let’s face it, I am not a very humble person.

I should be.

This is a big world. God is big. Life is big. The universe is big. Everything functioned beautifully for millions of years before I came along and will function wonderfully for yonks to come when my speckle of time has elapsed.

Each of us is special. Each of us is unique. Each of us has a pivotal role to play in the outcome of everything. But let’s not get carried away with it.


Pikkelik se blik said...

Sterkte!!! Ek is goed met verskonings, al was dit nie my fout nie... Sien - ek LIEF vrede...

Anonymous said...

En hier het ek gedink jy is van die mees humble mense.

Shadane said...

heya babes, I think you're wonderful. Some times being humble means you can't shout to the world - LOOK AT ME, and we all need that :) hugs, stay as u are for u bring light to our lives with every post

ICE said...

Thanx guys!

I try...

Welcome Lou!