Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Shhh, listen!

My Prinsessies have this bad habit of screaming into my ear. It's as though they think that the louder they shout, the better I'll hear. It doesn't matter how many times and ways I try to convince them that I will listen better if they lower their voice; they are not paying attention. It does not matter whether I lower my voice, raise it, turn away or look them straight in the eye.

The magic lasts only for a minute or two, then the bellowing begins again.

Adults do this too. We often think that we will get our point across by hammering it home. But often we can get our point across by listening better. Others will listen to us not by how loud we speak, but by how loud we listen. And if we can find our point somewhere in what they said, we can quietly drive our point home just by agreeing with them.


Anonymous said...

hmmm... ek stem saam oor hierdie een..baie volwasse mense wat in die Underground sit en kliphard oor hul foon praat of kinders wat vir mekaar letterlik skree as hulle regoor mekaar sit. Ek het op my blogger-blog so week terug stoom afgeblaas oor die goed!

ICE said...


Ek is nie mal oor die Tube/Underground nie!