Friday, October 24, 2008


"laminals". What is laminals? Well, it just happens to be how my middle Prinsessie pronounced "animals", for the first couple years of talking. (OK, so she's still doing it and she's 8 years old).

What is so hard about the word "animals". Even when broken down repeatedly into three sounds "A-NI-MALS"; "A-NI-MALS" she still can't pronounce it.

Don't make assumptions about what anybody can or cannot do. What seems simple to one person might be beyond hope for others.

I use to be an explosives expert and defused bombs for a living. What do you mean you can't do it? It's easy.

I'll bet there are things you do daily that would send me into knots trying to figure out. It's a good thing, though.

After all, where would we be if all of us were experts at gardening or cooking and none of us were experts at plumbing?


Anonymous said...

VERY well said.


Anonymous said...

Waarheid. Ek kan nou nog nie die woord 'lorrie' uitspreek sonder om my tong in 'n vieslike knoop te kry nie. Ek kan nie behoorlik kosmaak nie, ek raak aan die bewe as ek moet koek bak, maar ek kan luister, en saamhuil en bid.... Elke mens is uniek met unieke gawes. Dankie Vader daarvoor.

Anonymous said...

Jip, ons sal in diep, diep poefies wees!